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Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez

Joan was elected in November 2018 to oversee one of the busiest County offices, which is responsible for registering motor vehicles, recording deeds, issuing marriage and civil union licenses, registering voters, administering elections, and maintaining records for the Board of County Commissioners. The office comprises 130 employees and four office locations. Joan brings more than 18 years of direct experience with Arapahoe County.

As Clerk & Recorder, Joan is committed to achieving the following goals:

  • Efficient Customer Service. To ensure a high standard of service from every employee encountered, the Office will provide customer service training as well as cross-training opportunities for division employees.
  • Reduction of Business Wait Times. Private automobile and equipment dealerships are a critical business partner. Timely title processing supports the economy and facilitates vehicle sales.
  • Improved Fiscal Accountability. As the County continues to grow, evaluate the sustainability of the Office’s non-statutory services and offerings to save tax dollars.
  • Increased Voter Education and Accessibility. Provide printed and online materials so voters understand their rights and responsibilities. Ensure all communities have equal access to the ballot box in proportion to the number of registered voters by analyzing past and future voting locations as well as equipment.
  • Positive Workplace Environment. Happy employees result in happy customers. Providing training, as well as aligning employee strengths to positions will promote a successful and positive workforce.

Joan is excited to serve the residents of Arapahoe County in her new role, bringing 17 years of customer-facing experience to the elected office. She is a graduate of Englewood High School and holds an associate’s degree in English Language and Literature/Letters from the Community College of Denver. Joan is a resident of southeast Aurora with her husband and their two children.

Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez was sworn into office on January 8, 2019.